philosophy & philology

Wei CHENG(程炜

I am an Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department at Peking University. I am also affiliated with the Classics Program at PKU. Before coming to PKU, I received my PhD from the Program in Ancient Philosophy at Humboldt University of Berlin (2015, summa cum laude). I received my Magister Artium in Philosophy and Classics (Greek) from University Tübingen (2011), and I was also an undergraduate in Chinese Literature at PKU.

I work mainly in ancient Greek philosophy (especially Plato, the Old Academy, Aristotle, and the Aristotelian tradition), though I have interests in philosophy of mind, moral psychology, history of classical scholarship, ancient medicine, and several historical figures (e.g., Euripides, Hölderlin, and Nietzsche) as well. In 2017, I received the Werner Jaeger Award (for young scholars) by the Gesellschaft für antike Philosophie (GANPH).

Since 2020, I have been an editor of Chinese Philosophical Review (《哲学评鉴》), the first triple-blind peer reviewed journal in philosophy in China (open access). Contributors and readers should find more information here.

I have a PhilPapers profile and profiles on and ResearchGate. You can reach me at cheng.wei[at] I am happy to supervise theses or research projects on any of the topics that I specialize in.